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Why Is Moving So Stressful?

Why Is Moving So Stressful

Moving is one of the most stressful and difficult things you can do. Whether you move across town or to a new state, or even a new country, moving is always hard. But why is moving SO stressful? How can you make moving less stressful? Find out now in this blog from Laborjack.

Why Is Moving So Stressful? The Top 3 Factors

So, why is moving as stressful as it seems? Every situation is different, of course, but the top 3 contributing factors to moving being so stressful are:

1. Life changes – Moving is often associated with major life changes, like graduating from college, moving to a new city for a new job, having kids, getting married, getting divorced, or downsizing and moving to a retirement community as a senior. Trying to organize the logistics of moving can make these life changes even more stressful and intimidating, regardless of the type of change.

2. Time – Moving demands a lot of time. You have to prepare to switch schools for your kids, set up new utilities, pack up your stuff, move it, unpack it, find a new job, find a new rental apartment or home – we could go on and on. If you have a busy schedule, moving can be extremely stressful due to how time-consuming the process is.

3. Money – Moving can be expensive. You may have to deal with putting down a security deposit on a rental, buying a home, hiring movers or renting a truck, buying new furniture, and lots of other costs. If you’re on tight financial footing, this makes moving really stressful. Luckily Laborjack helps with the costs of moving with our labor only moving services. Learn more here about hiring movers through Laborjack.

Now… About Making Your Moving Less Stressful – Our Top Tips

We’ve covered the basics to what makes moving so stressful. Let’s discuss how to make it less stressful with some quick tips from the Laborjack crew. It’s impossible to completely eliminate stress when moving, but there are a few steps you can take to make it easier.

1. Maintain a positive attitude – Not to be cliche but think about the benefits and opportunities that moving has to offer, and don’t dwell on the negatives. And don’t go through this alone! Turn to friends, family, and loved ones to talk about the challenges – and opportunities – that your move has to offer. A little bit of emotional support can go a long way during a move, especially if you’re moving far away, or from a home you’ve had for a long time.

2. Make practical preparations – Make sure to work out your moving budget, create a moving timeline, work out housing arrangements, and find work in your new city, if applicable. Taking the time to write down what needs to be done before and after your move breaks into more manageable “chunks,” and makes the process less intimidating. This also helps you prioritize the most important things and ensure they’re taken care of well in advance of your move.

3. New environment, new opportunity – Once you move, build familiarity with your new home and your area, rework your routines, and explore the opportunities that your new home has to offer. For example, if you move from an apartment to a house, you may want to take up gardening to try something new – and enjoy an opportunity that you simply would not have had in your old home.

Need Moving Help? Laborjack Is Here To Help You With A Stress-Free Move!

If you need help packing, loading, and unpacking your stuff for a local or long distance move, Laborjack is here to help. We provide the muscle you need to pack up your home and make your move! Book a job now to get the help you need.